
TerraTek can install new OWTS septic systems for you.

new septic system installation

Any new septic installation first requires the designer to perform a site and soil analysis. TerraTek will perform the excavation of test pits, design work, and procure a permit-to-construct from LPCPH.

The size of the system is largely based on the number of bedrooms for that household, since that indicates how many people may be using the system, and soil conditions. Installation times vary depending on the site prep required, i.e.: tree clearing, soil composition, slope of site, amount and size of rocks, etc.

The main components of the system are the tank itself and a drain field. The tank has an inlet that is supplied from the house drain, and an outlet that goes to the drain field. The area above the tank and drain field should be clear of trees to avoid complications from root intrusions, and should not be in an area where there is any vehicular activity.

The process of constructing a new system includes:

Services Guarantee

We are licensed to build, install, repair, or replace any type or size of septic system.

Durango excavation


Durango septic installation




Give us a call today at 970.749.5272 or contact us via email.